Hello avid art lovers, friends and beautiful people!
I wanted to drop you all a quick monthly update email to let you know what I’ve been up to! Just in case you were interested! Haha
Life in the UK has started to come together, we feel settled, adjusted and enjoying ourselves! We’ve explored some of the southern coast and Scotland too, (Scotland is beautiful, but I prefer the weather further south!)
I have also been a busy bee with work. I’m very focused on making this entire working artist thing work and have been learning all about marketing and running a business to exploring new ideas with painting… ALWAYS experimenting with new ideas! There must be some fun to this artist business thing, right?!
Although, like most artists I supplement my artist role with teaching adult painting classes; which I am really enjoying. I love sharing my knowledge of what I do with others. Especially if it inspires them to go home and create. I think we live in such a technologically run world that it’s becoming more and more important to get back to the ‘right-side’ of our brains and create. That’s why (and I didn’t realise this was going to be told in this email today!) but I am ‘cultivating’ some videos to make my own YouTube channel! I’m still a month of two away from launching, but I guess I wanted to let you all know so that now I’m held accountable! haha Eeeeek what am I doing?! (I’ll update you on the progress of this next month!)
Last Month
I have just finished exhibiting with the group ‘A Mixture of Artists’, where the group raised £226 for the Royal Berkshire Hospital. So, I would call that a success!
The society called ‘The Reading Guild of Artists’ is a group I was recently accepted in to and I recently did a show with them at the Reading Museum, where I made may first sale with the group. Yay me!
Coming Up!
The month of May has seemed to be an ever-changing schedule, with a couple things unfortunately being cancelled, but one thing that for sure isn’t cancelled is the ‘Caversham Arts Trail’. I am excited and feel lucky enough to be a guest artist showcasing my alcohol ink work over the course of two weekends @ 46 Priest Hill, RG4 7RY.
Please click here to see the full information.
I have a solo exhibition which is a little way off right now, but in November I will be showing at the Peacock Gallery in Reading. More details to come for this.
AND lastly; yesterday I received an email to confirm I was also accepted to exhibit in a local Maidenhead show in September. More details will follow for this!
So, I have a few things happening as you can see. I hope to squeeze in one or two more holidays…. Oops I mean exhibitions along the way also. (I think I’ll need to plan the holidays too though to keep everything balanced!)
Here’s a little puzzle for you …
A friend sent me this picture, saying what an interesting piece of art this could be!

But! Actually, it is a close up of something! But can you guess what it is?

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the puzzle!
Any questions or questions please just send me a message.
Kate xx
Busy girl with lots of amazing art adventures ;)
Congrats on all the shows! How does the one in Montreal work?