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I am a mixed media artist. I work in acrylics, collage, alcohol inks and occassionally watercolour. I love to use different mediums to explore a new realm of the art world. It's interesting what you discover about yourself.

For the longest time I worked soley with acrylic paints, but with my love of texture, collage added a new dimension for me. With this medium I have played with many different subjects, from portraiture and figurative, to abstract and animals, but never landscapes. I tried, but never found an approach or technique that resulted in a way that fulfilled me. So, I told myself, I just wasn't a landscape artist, until alcohol inks. When I discovered this medium I realised how I was suddenly drawn to everything to do with nature. Landscapes have now become a part of my subject list, but more specifically El Camino de Santiago, after completing two series of works in this medium. Should I dare say its now a top contender for being a favoured medium? ha! That would be crazy!

I think part of my love for the inks comes from being able to express myself with the beautiful landscapes that are around us. I love being outside, discovering new places and hiking there to do so. So much so I have been inspired by two of my recent journey's across Spain. I share more of this in my blog.


Please see each of the galleries to really discover my work. Enjoy it, connect with it, and please feel free to share a comment with me if there's a piece you really feel drawn too!

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Maidenhead, England

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